367 Days. 26,474 Miles. 72 Stops. 36 States. Four humans living in a tin box is quite the psychology experiment....
Our Story…
We have made an unconventional decision to trade-in our happy and stable, but extremely vanilla, suburban lifestyle for an EPIC one-year road trip adventure! This is a “time-out” of sorts from life as we know it. A reset. A pause to reflect on where we have been and where we would like to go (literally and figuratively)! We would love to share our mid-life sabbatical journey with you! Cheers!
Team Hazlett

Last state, state of mind. I can’t think of a better way to wrap up this trip than with family....

Arizona, I love you, but I can’t take your heat. Beautiful landscapes, fun critters and insanely cool flowering cacti. We...

New Mexico!
New Mexico is a cool state! It has an awesome variety of things to do and see! Unfortunately, we didn’t...

God Bless Texas! I love this state, always have. This time, the range of emotions were high here as our...

Not a lot of brain-power being used by drivers in Louisiana. STUPID drivers, not just “bad” drivers, but there is...

Tennessee Yee-Haw!
Only in Tennessee do you walk into a Camping World store for RV-friendly toilet paper to find a band playing!...

Florida – Part II
“Can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning” – the unofficial theme of Florida. This was the...

Orlando, Florida
This trip confirmed, once again, it’s the people you are with, not the location at which you park your house...

From Hannah: Disney World, Universal and My 14th Birthday!
The last two weeks have been amazing. We took a break and switched to “vacation mode”! With some of our...

Weeks 34 and 35: St. Augustine, Florida
Bingo, line dancing, campground bands and ice cream socials are awesome (especially in St. Augustine)! Seriously, don’t judge me. I...

Week 33 Savannah, Georgia
I am in love again, this time, with Savannah, Georgia! I hope to come back soon with a group of...